Marketing tips for small businesses

As a small business owner, marketing is an essential thing to nail.
You want to get the best bang for your buck, reach the perfect audience and be able to manage your campaigns easily. Small businesses get targeted by agencies that come with a hefty price tag. Budgets can quickly get blown out with little to no return. As many businesses learn, marketing tips for small businesses are not readily available online.
So rather than learning the hard way, what options do small businesses have? (without having to become a marketing expert). We will explore your options below.

What types of marketing tools are available to small businesses?

There are so many tools out there that claim to be a good use of your time and hard-earned cash.  It is likely you would have looked into Google Ads, Facebook campaigns, and even radio advertising in the past.

These are good marketing avenues, but there are cheaper ways to get leads from more direct sources. 

SMS marketing, QR Codes, and Push Notifications are three inexpensive marketing avenues – which come included in fieldd’s scheduling software.

Marketing tips for small businesses 1: SMS Marketing

The first is SMS Marketing. Traditionally phone calls were a very personal way of connecting with clients. Yet, phone call marketing is on the decline. With robocalls and a generation who do not like to pick up the phone, SMS is now the quickest way to communicate with leads.
Fieldd makes it easy by having SMS Marketing software built into your daily scheduling.
With fieldd you can schedule or send campaigns to clients based on variables. Variables such as last booked dates, particular service areas, or create custom lists.
Best yet, SMS marketing software is cheap with high open rates.

– Direct target
– High open rates
– Cheap
– Effective
– Short messages with action links or promotion
– Inactive phone numbers will bounce

Marketing Tip 2: Qr Code Marketing

Home Automation Software
Another marketing tips for small businesses overlooked tool is Qr Code Marketing.
QR codes are a powerful tool to increase the company’s ease of access to clients.
These little codes can be stuck on anything. Whether on the side of your van, on your business cards, or on mailers, clients can easily scan to book your services.
In fieldd, you can access QR codes for your business online booking page. Clients can have their own code, remembering your name and address. These personalized codes are perfect for any client size.
– Direct marketing
– Familiarity with scanning QR codes
– Personal
– Easily distributed
– Heightened presence in clients’ homes or work when they need your services
– The options of where to place your Qr Code Marketing are limitless

Marketing Tip 3: Push Notification Marketing

This one is one of the stickiest and most engaging ways to connect to users.
Daily, your apps send notifications to fight for your attention, and we fall for it. The clicking of notifications has become second nature to consumers. 
Push notifications can be easily customized, including images, logos, discount codes, industry tips, or thank you messages.

–  Creative campaigns
–  Branding
–  Direct messaging
–  High open rates
–  High customization possibilities
–  Targeted user groups
–  Makes your business look large (have an app like big companies)
–  Valuable brand equity
– Clients need an app to receive them
Custom App Development

In Summary

In summary, marketing is an essential part of your business. For many, it is an avenue they are not naturally good at. They often seek help from agencies. Agencies often overcharge and overlook simple techniques which keep clients and attract new ones.
Any agency can charge through the roof to create elaborate media campaigns, but as a small business owner, there needs to be a quantitative return on investment. 

Fieldd clients automatically have access to these tools, all included with their scheduling software. Marketing this way ensures your direct efforts are linked back to your business and return on investment. 

If you have a small business and want access to simple yet powerful tools like SMS marketing software, Qr code marketing, and Push Notification marketing, we have what you need.

Come take a look today and learn why fieldd is the number 1 software platform for small businesses.

Get started today here:



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